Price: $37,000 Loaded on a Truck! New Price!!
Brand: T-L
Year: 2008
Hours 10,677
Serial #: 25399
Span Lengths & pipe diameter: 2 Spans x 158' and 7 Spans x 177.6' all 6 5/8" pipe
Tower Motor HP: 15 HP Hydraulic Pumping unit
Gear Box Brand: T-L
Gear Box Type: Planetary
Tower Box Brand: N/A Alignment Valve
Main Panel Brand: Precision Point 2 Panel
End Gun Model: None
End Gun Brand: None
Auto Reverse Location: End Tower
Sprinkler Type: Rotators with poly drops
Sprinkler Drop Type Height: 7'
Overhead/Boom Length: 40'
Total Length: 1583.2
Tire Size: 11.2 x 38
Tire Condition: Good
Pipe Condition: Good with iron deposit and slight rust
Electrical Condition: Good with 15 HP Hydraulic Pump